Hello! It is my hope that you are doing very well! We thank God for the more and more of His presence here at the farm as we continue to serve Him.
I want to thank the donors and the Heartbeat Ministries for the wonderful work you are doing to try and support education of these young future leaders. The impact of the food support is just like daylight! Three of the pre schools which had called off their lunch programs are now back with not only the lunch but as well the 10 am porridge which now we have donated milk to add nutrients to the food.
After we distributed food to the two schools which were to be considered first, we were left with some kg of beans and 25kg for rice and 2 milk cartons. We decided to consider Kituma pre-school which is also in our list. The school has so many other challenges apart from food. The kids have no toilets or mattresses to nap in the afternoon as required. We gave the little we had but promised to start with them when we have more donations.
The food situation is so concerning that we need God to help us through it. So far we have reached out to 52 kids with the 40,000ksh donation. So wonderful.
Here is a photo of the kids receiving food!